LORD OF LIFE MINISTRIES is about CHRIST being Lord of our lives, so we may experience that abundant Life in Him NOW.  To declare all the counsel of God to bring about the simplicity of Christ with balance.  To RULE AND REIGN in LIFE through Christ NOW.  (Romans 5:17). Allowing Christ to minister LIFE through us to reconcile creation back to Himself for His GLORY NOW.  Lord of Life Ministries is a body ministry flowing together in His Oneness for HIS GLORY. We are here to teach, equip, and encourage you to press ever deeper in your relationship with the Father      


Written Messages



America repent
Appointed time
Be ready
Breach in the spirit
Cleave III
Cleave to him
Cleave to Him II
Creative word
Dethroning rulers
Driving out the nations
Face to face
Gates of heaven
Getting rid of weights
Green bed 2
Green bed I
Harmony and oneness part1
Harmony and oneness part2
Harmony and oneness part3
I am that i am
Keys of the Kingdom - Part 2
Keys of the Kingdom Part1
LIGHT-TRUTH 8-19-10 final
Love never fails
Magnify the lord
Marriage of the lamb
Master builder
Mirror of life 1
Mirror of life 2
Naomi and ruth
No more night
One language-image 4-20-10
One-language final final
Prepare your heart
Reigning in life
Release power
Reset Your Mind I
Reset Your Mind II
Restitution of all things
Restoring generations
Ruling the nations part 1of2
Ruling the nations part 2of2
Salt part 1of 2
Salt part 2 of 2


Sea of glass mingled with fire
Newsletters/seed of promise part1
Seed of promise part 2
Sick in love
Single Eye Part 1
Single Eye part 2
Th Fathers Works
The Beauty Of The Lord
The Book of Life
The Door Is Being Shut
The end of the matter
The Feast of Tabernacles
The Government of God
The Great White Throne
The Green Bed I
The Book of Life
The Broken Covenent
The Door Is Being Shut
The Feastof Tabernacles
The Four Faces of God
The Four Winds Of God Babylon Coming Down Part 1
The Four Winds Of God Babylon Coming Down Part 2
The New World Coming
The Rod
The Sabbath Part 1
The Sabbath Part 2
The Whale
Thunder and Lightning
To Forsake All
Total Commitment
Tree of desire
Waters of Reconciliation
Word-Spirit-Form Part 5
Word-Spirit-Form-Part 4
Word Spirit Form
Word Spirit Form Part 2
Word Spirit Form Part 3



  • If you would like to be a prayer partner with Lord of Life Ministries you can join in and intercede with us on Thursdays at 9:30 AM, Fridays at 7:30 PM and Sundays at 1:00 PM. Join us in prayer and get results, there is great power in the unity of the brethren.
  • Psalms 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
    Psalms 133:2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
  • If the Father puts it on your heart to help support the work of his Kingdom through Lord of Life Ministries it will be greatly appreciated and only go to his Glory and cause.
  • Click here to open or download a donation form.  PDF  JPEG
  • If you would like to be added to the Lord of Life Ministries mailing list for newsletters, tapes, or both, please write to:  Lord of Life Ministries at P.O. Box 197, Haymarket, VA 20168 



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Pastor Joyce Morris - The Green Bed
Read this new release by Pastor Joyce Morris

The Green Bed

The Green Bed is where God desires us to dwell so we can be in
that complete rest in Him all the time. The soul must learn how to
lay down and submit to Christ. Solomon 1:16

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Total $18.45


$12.95 + 2.50 Shipping and Handling
Total $15.45



$12.95 + 2.50 Shipping and Handling
Total $15.45



If the Father puts it on your heart to help support the work of his Kingdom through Lord of Life Ministries it will be greatly appreciated and only go to his Glory and cause.